EMDR Consultation

As the Principal Clinical Psychologist at Breathe Psychology and a Board Approved Supervisor, Liam is committed to guiding practitioners through the complexities of EMDR, offering tailored consultation services that cater to individual needs and aspirations. 

Why EMDR Consultation Matters: A Pathway to Excellence

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) stands as a powerful therapeutic modality, but its effectiveness lies in the adept application of its principles. Mentoring with and Accredited EMDRAA consultant is a crucial pathway for mental health professionals aiming to enhance their proficiency in this evidence-based approach. Whether you’re looking to deepen your EMDR skills or pursue accreditation, our consultation service is designed to meet your unique goals. 

Consultation for Skill Enhancement: Elevating Your EMDR Practice

As an Accredited EMDRAA Consultant, Liam Harkins brings a wealth of experience and expertise to your consultation sessions. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just starting your EMDR journey, our collaborative discussions delve into the nuances of EMDR application, case conceptualization, and effective treatment planning. This consultation process is tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that you not only understand the foundational principles of EMDR but can apply them with confidence and precision in your clinical practice. 

EMDRAA Accreditation Mentoring: Guiding You to Professional Recognition

For those seeking EMDRAA accreditation, Liam’s consultation service provides a structured and supportive pathway. Navigating the accreditation process can be challenging, but with personalized guidance, you’ll be well-prepared to meet the stringent standards set by EMDRAA. Together, we’ll review case studies, address ethical considerations, and fine-tune your EMDR practice to align seamlessly with accreditation requirements. 

What Sets My EMDR Consultation Apart?

In addition to being an Accredited EMDRAA Consultant, Liam is a Board Approved Supervisor, further attesting to his commitment to maintaining the highest standards in supervision and professional development. This dual accreditation underscores his dedication to supporting mental health professionals at every stage of their career.

Accredited Expertise: As an Accredited EMDRAA Consultant, Liam offers a level of expertise that is recognised and respected in the field of EMDR. 

Individualised Approach: Recognizing the unique learning styles and goals of each practitioner, Liam’s consultation sessions are tailored to ensure a personalised and impactful learning experience. 

Practical Application: Our sessions go beyond theory, focusing on the practical application of EMDR principles in real-world clinical scenarios. 

Accreditation Support: For those on the path to EMDRAA accreditation, Liam provides comprehensive support, ensuring you are well-prepared for the accreditation process.

Invest in Your EMDR Journey: Contact Us Today

If you are a mental health professional seeking to enhance your EMDR skills or pursue EMDRAA accreditation, Liam invitse you to join him on this transformative journey. Contact Liam today to schedule your personalised EMDR consultation session. Unlock the full potential of your EMDR practice, achieve professional recognition, and make a lasting impact on the lives of those you serve.