Group Therapy

Feel Better, Grow Together

Breathe Psychology is a progessive practice, offering therapies for the mind and body.  Along with “talk therapy” we also offer body therapy that focuses on connecting with the “feeling self” through movement. 

Studies show the effectiveness of these therapies improve when practiced in a group.

Our different approaches to Group Therapy

iRest Yoga Nidra

Integrative Restoration (iRest), or iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation combines traditional yogic practice with Western psychology and neuroscience. 

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It is a form of mindfulness meditation that has been researched and shown to effectively reduce symptoms of PTSD, depression, anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain and substance use issues, whilst increasing awareness, resilience and wellbeing.

iRest is not psychotherapy – we do not set goals, talk or even mentally work through our problems. iRest is an educational process that focuses on our physical, psychological and spiritual health and wellbeing, in a secular manner that respects a person’s age, culture, religious and philosophical orientation, occupation, physical and mental health. 

iRest can be practiced lying down, seated or standing, with your eyes open or closed. During an iRest practice you are guided through various experiences. You have the opportunity to practice “being with”: being at ease whilst observing and welcoming physical sensations, breath, feelings, thoughts, images and memories that naturally arise. 

This may sound intimidating at first, but as you learn how to welcome all that is, you may discover first-hand an experience of profound joy and wellbeing which can develop into an inner reservoir of resilience and self-knowledge that supports your daily life. 

Breathe Clinical Psychologist, Meghan Odgers, offers a six-week course of iRest group classes. Each weekly class is 50 minutes in duration. Over the six-week course, we will deepen into the 10 steps of iRest. 

iRest can be supportive as an addition to psychological therapy as it supports nervous system regulation and deep relaxation. No prior experience with yoga or meditation is needed for participation in iRest. Only participants who are able to commit for the full six week program will be admitted (and no refunds are provided if participants who are unable to attend individual sessions).

Please note – due to current restrictions, iRest Yoga classes are currently on hold. Please enquire below to register your interest and we will be in touch when classes resume.

Trauma-sensitive Yoga

Trauma-sensitive Yoga provides a rare opportunity for individuals who are experiencing mental health challenges to engage in Yoga (and reconnect with their bodies) under the guidance of a highly trained mental health clinician. 

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‘Once you start approaching your body with curiosity rather than with fear, everything shifts.” – Bessel Van Der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score. 

Many mental health disorders (such as trauma, eating disorders, body dysmorphic disorders, anxiety based disorders etc.) result in individuals leaving their bodies and having negative and/or triggering responses when awareness of the body arises. 

Breathe Psychology Trauma-sensitive Yoga is delivered by a trained Psychologist and Yoga teacher. Only participants who are able to commit for the full six week program will be admitted and no refunds are provided if participants who are unable to attend individual sessions.

Please note – due to current restrictions, Trauma sensitive Yoga classes are currently on hold. Please enquire below to register your interest and we will be in touch when classes resume.

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(03) 9989 0107

(03) 5234 4858

Clinic hours:  Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm

Reception hours: Monday- Friday 9am to 4.30pm